Safeguarding is a problem

Safeguarding covers more than abuse and the global pandemic has highlighted how our processes are lacking. We need to protect the vulnerable

Ben Shelley
6 min readNov 23, 2020
Photo by Charlein Gracia on Unsplash

Safeguarding the vulnerable is a key problem across the world and not just in education. With the current global pandemic, the light has been shone on every corner of life, including that of safeguarding and how you can do so behind closed doors.

The initial lockdown was the worst, with everyone guessing at what to do and many children and adults losing their lives throughout this time. Some of those were trapped in troubled households unable to gain access to the usual types of release that they would be permitted.

It was an awful time and whilst professionals could phone and neighbours could hear, it wasn’t enough. Aspects such as intimidation and control ran rampant and therefore, with the second lockdown nearly over, we are thankful that it has been shorter and less strict.

Out of Mind

Children were still thought of but at a time of global crisis and panic, many other concerns rose to the surface. The first and foremost was shielding the vulnerable.

Food and critical supply shortages, economic redundancies and a world screaming out…



Ben Shelley

Someone who has no idea about where their place is in this world, yet enjoys writing about books, education, entertainment and videogames